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Actualités ISG Alumni

Pour savoir ce qui se passe maintenant - Toutes les infos livrées minute par minute par les Alumnis de l'ISG.
Photos, vidéos, tweets et vos interventions
How Artificial Intelligence Changes Customer Service
Excellent customer service is a prerequisite for the success of any business. Customers pay more and more attention to the company's ability to provide...
Product 98
Price: $ 49.00
SKU: 04670004
How Artificial Intelligence Changes Customer Service
Excellent customer service is a prerequisite for the success of any business. Customers pay more and more attention to the company's ability to provide...
Product 98
Price: $ 49.00
SKU: 04670004
How Artificial Intelligence Changes Customer Service
Excellent customer service is a prerequisite for the success of any business. Customers pay more and more attention to the company's ability to provide...
Product 98
Price: $ 49.00
SKU: 04670004
How Artificial Intelligence Changes Customer Service
Excellent customer service is a prerequisite for the success of any business. Customers pay more and more attention to the company's ability to provide...
Product 98
Price: $ 49.00
SKU: 04670004

Les événements de l'ISG Alumni.

Les ateliers de formation, workshop, seminaires, journées portes ouvertes, ateliers découverte, conférences... ne ratez aucun événement ISG Alumni Tunis, tout au long de l'année ! restez à l’affût!
How Artificial Intelligence Changes Customer Service
Excellent customer service is a prerequisite for the success of any business. Customers pay more and more attention to the company's ability to provide...
Product 98
Price: $ 49.00
SKU: 04670004
How Artificial Intelligence Changes Customer Service
Excellent customer service is a prerequisite for the success of any business. Customers pay more and more attention to the company's ability to provide...
Product 98
Price: $ 49.00
SKU: 04670004
How Artificial Intelligence Changes Customer Service
Excellent customer service is a prerequisite for the success of any business. Customers pay more and more attention to the company's ability to provide...
Product 98
Price: $ 49.00
SKU: 04670004
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Adresse: 65, Av Habib Bourguiba 1000 Tunis, Tunisie
© 2022 ISG Alumni.